In recognition of how God has blessed the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ among our congregations thus far in our Ministry Partnership, St. John’s Lutheran Church of Burt, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church of Algona, Iowa have agreed to update our previously established Ministry Partnership Agreement. It is our prayer that this updated Ministry Partnership Agreement will be a blessing to the reception of God’s Word and Sacrament and the growth of His Kingdom among us in the years to come.
Ministry Partnership Agreement
St. John’s and Trinity will continue to operate as two distinct congregations working together for the one mission of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations. As a Ministry Partnership, St. John’s and Trinity will share a pastoral staff as well as work together on projects such as: mission support, mercy work volunteering, community outreach, Christian education, Christian fellowship, and special worship opportunities. Each congregation will retain their own separate voters’ assemblies, councils, and administrative and support staff. This agreement will become effective upon the signing of this resolution.
The Ministry Partnership will be overseen by a Ministry Partnership Executive Board. The Board will consist of the following from each congregation: Congregational President, Congregational Secretary, Congregational Treasurer, one Congregational Elder, and one Congregational Trustee. The pastors will be nonvoting members of this board. This board will meet at least once per year before the October Church Council/Voters meeting of the Partnership congregations. The chairman of the host congregation shall serve as chairman of the meeting, and the secretary of the host congregation shall serve as secretary and provide the other congregation with a copy of the minutes of all meetings. The place of the Ministry Partnership Executive Board meetings will alternate between the two congregations. Notice of every Ministry Partnership Executive Board meeting must be given to all Board members prior to the meeting. In the event, that a Board member is not able to attend a meeting, the congregational president of that member’s respective congregation may assign another voting member to take his/her place.
The Ministry Partnership Executive Board will be responsible for assessing the direction and vision of the Ministry Partnership, discussing amendments to the Ministry Partnership Agreement, and adopting salaries for the pastors for the coming year. Any voters meeting of the Partnership congregations can request changes or improvements to the Agreement through their congregational representatives on the Executive Board. The Ministry Partnership Executive Board may be called with a 24-hour notice to consider matters pertaining to the pastors or any problems which may arise that cannot wait as a result of this Agreement. The Executive Board shall be authorized to act on behalf of the two congregations in any such matter that may arise and demand immediate action. Such action shall be reported to the voting assembly and/or Church Council of each congregation at its next meeting.
Synodical regulations regarding the number of congregational and pastoral votes granted for Synod and District conventions for partnership arrangements continue to be discussed and revised. We will continue to follow the Synod and District instructions on how many pastors and lay delegates are to be sent to conventions.
Our Ministry Partnership will be served by two pastors: one Partnership senior pastor and one Partnership associate pastor. The Partnership pastors will be called by the voters’ assemblies of St. John’s and Trinity. Both pastors will have a divine call to both St. John’s and Trinity under the Ministry Partnership Agreement. Representatives of each congregation shall participate in a call committee for these pastors and shall sign the call document. The two Partnership pastors will thus be regarded as both 100% St. John’s pastors and 100% Trinity’s pastors.
It shall be understood that in this Ministry Partnership Agreement the two Partnership pastors will divide their ministry workload wherever the ministry needs are present, which will change from week to week. In order to develop and maintain relationships with members of both congregations and stay in touch with the pastoral care needs of each congregation, the pastor will hold regular office hours at both churches. Because St. John’s has only one pastor’s office, the Partnership pastors will arrange office hours and the use of the St. John’s office in a way that is the most beneficial for the ministry needs. In terms of the financial support of our Partnership pastors, St. John’s and Trinity will contribute to the total compensation package of the two Partnership pastors on a 30-70 basis. This percentage will be reviewed and adjusted as needed on a yearly basis by the Ministry Partnership Executive Board. Mileage will be paid by each congregation for the calls that the pastors make for them. The congregations agree to consider the district guidelines for compensation of the pastors. Moving expenses of the pastors will be shared by both congregations at the same ratio by which the pastor’s compensation is divided. The pastors are free to find housing to suit their needs in either Burt or Algona. A pastor’s use of Trinity’s parsonage will be factored into Trinity’s share of the Partnership pastor’s compensation package.
Should either congregation wish to dissolve this Ministry Partnership Agreement; it may do so by notifying in writing to the other congregation of their intent. The agreement will dissolve one year after a vote passes by either congregation to dissolve this agreement. Should the dissolution of these articles of agreement be contemplated by any congregation, orderly procedure would demand that the Circuit Visitor or some other district officials be consulted before notice is given.
In the event of a pastoral vacancy within the Partnership or among area churches, under the guidance of the Executive Board a working agreement will be agreed upon that would allow the ministry of Word and Sacrament to continue until that vacancy can be filled. If a pastoral vacancy occurs within the Partnership, St. John’s and Trinity may agree to utilize the services of a vacancy pastor and/or appropriately compensate the remain Partnership pastor for his extra workload during the time of vacancy.
This agreement may be amend as needed with the approval of the voter’s assembly of each congregation. To amend this Ministry Partnership Agreement, a 2/3 majority vote of the Voters Assembly is required at any regular or special meeting, provided said amendment is presented to all entities two Sundays prior to that meeting.
Whereas we have agreed t these terms for creating and maintaining a Ministry Partnership, be It therefore resolved that we, the voting members of St. John’s Lutheran Church – Burt, Iowa And Trinity Lutheran Church – Algona, Iowa members of the Iowa District West – LCMS
Become a Ministry Partnership as described in this document. This agreement has been ratified at a voter’s meeting of both Churches.
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